thqsHere are some of the lovely testimonials I have received from clients, students and readers of my book.

Beautiful bouquet received from a client, August 2019 ❤

I love hearing of your experiences and receiving your feedback and testimonials. It helps me to grow as a therapist as I am continually looking to improve myself and my services so I can always give the best I can. So don’t be shy – if you have something to say to me please comment below or email me so I can add it for you 🙂

I would also really appreciate it if you could leave me a review on my Facebook page or Google listing 🙂

Please note: the gaps in feedback are due to breaks for further studies, writing my book and personal development, and being committed to home-schooling my children. 




Testimonials — 74 Comments

  1. I have been absolutely blown away by how much seeing Dani has changed my life. I was a bit skeptical at first but now I’m a true believer! I found it astounding that forgotten emotions from my childhood could be causing so many problems in my life. After having these released in a safe and positive way I have freed myself from so many self imposed obstacles in my life, I now have such a clear image of my new happier healthier future, with goals that I intend to reach without procrastination! I would definitely recommend coming to see Dani, especially if you feel disheartened with your G.P piling unnecessary medication on you. I really feel like I’ve been given a key to open a doorway to wellbeing and happiness. Thank you so much Dani! xx

    • WOW, I’m speechless – thank you SO much for such beautiful comments. I am so thrilled that my work has been able to make a positive difference in your life 💗

  2. Last week I had a hugely beneficial online consultation with Danielle and Lloyd that focused on my current health challenges and German New Medicine. The session was led by my questions about this radically different but absolutely common sense, natural approach to health and disease. Conflicts and challenges I’ve experienced were listened to with great respect and care, and numerous insights and suggestions were given. The session ran well past my allotted time but I never felt rushed or pressured to end. Danielle and Lloyd are wonderful human beings and I believe they have helped me tremendously during what is a very challenging time.

    • Thank you so much for your positive feedback. I am so pleased we were able to help you. Please keep us informed of any progress! With love, Dani & Lloyd

  3. Doing the kinesiology was the best thing I’ve ever done in my whole life.
    My well-being has benefited as a whole. This is thanks to Danielle Bryant, I’ll never turn back now

  4. Dani is an amazing Holistic Healer . I have visited Dani for reiki healing sessions and I feel extremely lucky to have completed my level 1 Reiki and Attunment with Dani this week 19th October. I feel I have grown on my own healing journey and Dani is an excellent teacher and advocate, she enables you to find your own path with her wisdom and guidance. Dani combines all her health and well-being experience and knowledge into her teaching so drawing on a wealth of practice. I can’t wait for the next lockdown to be over to continue my work with her, I am going to be having further holistic sessions and eventually will undertake further reiki training with Dani 💛

  5. I’ve found every one of our sessions beneficial and each has progressed from the previous one. I’m very glad I found you, was it luck, or meant to be!!?

  6. I find the report very clear and exact. I’m very happy with the detailed information that I’ve received.
    Once again, I would like to share my gratitude for the work you have done. The results I have received, and what I need to do are very clear, in depth, detailed and well summed up. Thanks!

  7. Learning Reiki with Dani is truly a spiritual experience.
    I couldn’t be with a better teacher.
    She is both knowledgeable and patient, I cannot thank her enough for guiding me gently through each step and opening my mind.

  8. Dani has such passion for what she does which shows in the way she helps her clients. Time is spent understanding everything that you are going through and with her vast knowledge she’s able to give the best advice. I highly recommend a consultation with Dani.

  9. I’ve had a few health issues for the past 18 months and Dani has helped me enormously! Although I’m a qualified Naturopath, two heads are better than one. I had a 3 hour kineisiology session at the end of January, which was fascinating and enlightening and another lovely session of Reiki, kineisiology and other bits thrown in this afternoon! Did me the world of good! Thanks Dani! x

  10. Hi Dani I just want to say a massive Thank you for all you’ve done for me. I appreciate it so much that you’ve attuned me to Reiki 2 and I’m loving it. I definitely picked the right teacher 😊. Thank you Dani xx

  11. Your book is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. Well Done for putting together such a marvelous book of essential health knowledge. Yourself and your family obviously know what matters in this world and myself and my family thank you for this wonderful book. I will gladly read this cover to cover and then use it as a reference book.
    Thanks again Dani and I wish you and yours all the very best in your most important job. I especially liked your dedication to  the future children of this planet, yours and I am sure you mean ALL children. I just hope that people start to open their eyes to what is right in front of their faces.

  12. (Reiki 1 Attunement) Hi Dani, It was a massive pleasure meeting you. I was nervous at first but after meeting within 5 minutes i felt at totally ease. I was ok when I left you and I kept on having loads of tingles in my head and my hands are still vibrating lol. I loved how you worked with me today and I could see how passionate you are at what you do, I definelty picked you as my right choice and I’m so grateful for what you have done for me today. I can’t thank you enough. THANK YOU DANI from the bottom of my heart xx

  13. On the Yoga class…it was very relaxing and Dani introduced different yoga positions in a refreshing way without any pressure so everyone progressed at a comfortable pace rather than forcing their bodies to try and meet unattainable goals. Over the time I went to the classes, I noticed a big difference in my flexibility and managed to improve my yoga substantially due to the teaching methods employed. The yoga was presented in an unthreatening, non- competitive environment, which meant the whole atmosphere of the class aided relaxation so the meditation portion at the end of the class had maximum effect and left you feeling fully refreshed for the week ahead.

  14. I travelled from Essex to Wales to the clinic for a consultation with Danielle for kinesiology muscle testing as a result of my hair analysis. I had estrogen fed breast cancer. I was met with warmth and a positive lady who spent so much extra time on me than normal – as she put it we will leave no leaf unturned. We muscle tested for supplements and foods….. with the help of my homeopath and no sugar and alkaline organic mostly diet. This spurred me on. I chose to order what was necessary to support my system from Shop Holistic and each order was swiftly dealt with and with me in a couple of days which was great. Thankyou guys for all your support and to the women who run the Thermalogica scan who gave me the good results that it has healed now. I will continue to keep a check with regular scans in a few months time then yearly. Thankyou all.

  15. Dani takes a lot of time and care in her treatments making sure everything has been covered and can help with all sorts of problems from emotional to physical. She practices with compassion and has such a variety of knowledge and skills! Looking forward to my next treatment!

  16. From the moment I was welcomed in to the homely treatment room by Danielle, I felt very comfortable. I felt as though plenty of time was taken over the treatment and Danielle focused on me 100%. Danielle is a warm, friendly person and I felt that she was very thorough and left no stone unturned in looking for answers to my health problem (severe migraine). She is extremely knowledgeable and I came away from the appointment feeling positive and with a clear plan of what changes I need to make before my next appointment.

  17. I would like to thank you for your excellent hair mineral analysis and advice. What a positive difference it has made to my life – on all levels! Previously, though committed to finding balance in mind, body and soul, I always felt as though I was travelling in darkness with the odd light to show the way. Now I feel my journey is clear! Knowing what was lacking/over stored together with your clear advice has taken away the guesswork. I obviously still have to work on issues, but the main ones I now feel I can handle confidently.

  18. I would like to say what a lovely person Dani is, she is very kind and great to chat to about anything. I always find that Dani has a smile on her face and is pleased to see you, when I visit her shop or visit one of her yoga classes, she is certainly a cut above the rest. I am thinking of attending one of her Angel teaching classes in the near future. Thank-you Dani xxx

  19. I think Dani has a unique way of delivering yoga to a class making it enjoyable, fun, relaxing and healthy. I have also been fortunate to experience angel attunements and the classes were delivered in a way that made everyone feel relaxed and comfortable. I have also received Reiki healing from her and was fortunate to have an amazing , personal healing experience which I have never received from any healer before. She has also been on hand for me with any questions or queries I may have had.

  20. Thanks very much for the distant Colours of Angels Attunement this evening. This is what I experienced:
    Began with a feeling of heat in my lower back – this lasted for the duration of the attunement. Had a feeling of pressure over my 3rd eye chakra followed by warmth – this also lasted for the entire attunement. Next I felt a pulsating of my 3rd eye charka then a pulsating of my fingers on both hands. I had brief flashes of a deep purple colour. For about 5 minutes I felt cold all over my body (except for my lower back) and had a feeling of a band of pressure or heaviness across my chest – not an uncomfortable feeling but secure. Next I heard a ringng in both ears and saw an image of Jesus with arms and hands open. There was a golden, round light coming from his forehead towards mine and it made me feel like smiling! I saw flickering white lights for a short time and throughout the whole experience felt very relaxed and peaceful. The attunement lasted for about 35 – 40 minutes.

  21. I just thought I would share my distant Colours of Angels attunement experience,which was not as some have described ‘sweetness & light’..more a series of odd sensations……intense pressure waves on head & ears,a feeling of being shaken,gently but physically, intermittent pulsating vibrations,cool bracelet bands of energy making their way down my lower legs & feet,a strong band of pressure in the kidney area & the strangest feeling that ‘things were being pressed into my left hand.While all this was happening,ragged colours & eyes were floating thro’ my head,colours muted & not full spectrum along with orbs & sometimes your face,all ending with what I can only describe as an intense ,bright violet + colourwash with a central eye…all these sensations ceased ,strangely enough at 11am. on the dot…after this my legs were decidedly weak with a feeling of unbelonging…today I feel wonderfully cleared & lightfooted…thank you so much, certificate arrived this morning.

  22. Just wanted to say thanks for inviting me to the hay-yoga retreat. I thought it was well organised and u and shell worked very hard to make it a success. I met lots of like minded people who have touched my life for the better. I came away from the retreat feeling lighter – but whole and complete. Thanks so much.

  23. That was a challenging but hugely rewarding weekend retreat. Thank you so so much for putting it together- I learned things this weekend which have brought some calm to my life. Much love and fond memories.

  24. Thank you and Lloyd for my eye-opening retreat weekend. I really did enjoy the weekend. I enjoy doing physical things so the Karma yoga was right up my street. I wasn’t sure about a lot of the programme before I went but I surprised myself by enjoying the chanting and the music making… Thank you for everything. Send me the details for the June retreat when it is sorted as I think I will be going

  25. The retreat was perfect timing for me and really helped me to get on the right path. I let go of some stuff that I’ve needed to let go of for a long time and feel like a new person for it, that exercise on the Sunday was unbelievably powerful for me so just want to say a huge thank you. I’ll definitely be coming to the next retreat and will probably bring some friends who I know would really enjoy it.

  26. Thank you for the Angel workshop today, I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot! It was also really nice to meet you and I couldn’t think of anyone nicer to receive this beautiful initiation from….THANK YOU! If you plan to have anymore workshops in the future please let me know as I would love to come again.

  27. I had to email and let you know what I experienced – the whole thing was amazing, thankyou. I saw a vision of you sitting crossed legged in a meditation pose and the word and colour saffron kept coming into my mind. I started to climb a staircase to heaven, I crossed a bridge and was met by Archangel Jeremiel and Chamuel. I saw my late husband and had a clear conversation with him – I cried uncontrollably at this point. Archangel Uriel gave me very precise instructions about my life purpose and life path. It was wonderful.

  28. I am using my various Angel attunements to give Angel Energy Healing – I give Reiki with the seven archangels and pour colour and light on the client during the treatment. It is such a lovely energy to work with and I am so pleased that I had the attunements. I am doing a workshop on 7th September for “International Angel Day” so will be doing attunements enmasse. Hope you can continue to share your special gifts with us all.

  29. Thank you for the distant angel light attunement last night. It was very relaxing nothing major experienced but quite a lot of tingling on the hands and for some reason on my lips. It was very pleasant.
    I played your meditation CD today and I enjoyed it very much. Maybe you should start selling them on them on ebay. During the meditation my eyes were closed but there were flashing white light everywhere. I felt the angels were communicating with me.

  30. The Angel attunement was lovely, it started with an amazing awareness of Archangel Michael and a beautiful deep blue and turquoise colour. Chamuel was the strongest and I felt him open my heart chakra like a huge pink peony flower, the others, I could visualise the angels and colours but the connection was not as strong. I felt it only lasted about 20 mins or so and I became very cold even tho the room was warm.”

  31. As a person who has tried almost every form of exercise class, I came to Dani’s yoga night, recommended by a friend, not really knowing what I was looking for, and after just 1 class I was so excited about what this could mean to my life. As the weeks went by and I got to know Dani and Lloyd the class became a must. I feel that the class offers me far more than just exercise, it offers fun, it helps me to stretch my body and encourage all of my muscles to take part (sometimes they object!) and also I find the spiritual side of the class is a huge plus for me, that is something that I have never experienced with any other yoga teacher, and something I know I would miss deeply. I have also had some Reiki sessions with Dani , which after only 3 sessions helped me to clear many blockages in my life. Out of everything I love about Dani, the one for me is she always makes me feel safe. As a person who is quite shy when it comes to doing anything in a group and in front of people, she always makes me feel that it is ok for me to try because she has confidence in me to have a go and do whatever it is as best as my body can allow me. I’d like to end by saying that I have made a life long friend in Dani, she has given me my love of yoga, something that I will always be truly grateful for and will continue to do as part of my life. Thank You X.

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